Cheatsheet – How to make a table in Google docs | Wrap text around the table in Google docs

This cheat sheet on “How to make a table in Google docs” contains examples and images. Which will make your life easy if you are a beginner. Additionally, I will also cover the editing of tables in Google docs. If you love writing, then you know the importance of tables.

Tables provide a visual grouping of information. You can insert tables and send sales data in emails or can create tables to show stats for your readers.

If you want to keep your docs online so that you can work on it anytime, anywhere. Google docs word processor is the best choice. That’s the reason, Microsoft also launched Office 365 to compete with Google products.

Google docs word processor is free and you don’t need to buy a paid software e.g. Microsoft word (MS office) license. So you can save some money, in case you are a student and looking for a free alternative to MS word.

How to open or create a new blank Google Document

  • Go to
  • You can either create a new Blank Document or open an existing document. You can also use default templates for Resume, Letter, Project proposal and brochure readily available in Google docs.

I am creating a new Blank document.

Start a new blank document in Google doc

We will go over how to create a table in the document and perform some basic edits.

How to make a Table in Google docs

  • To insert a table in Google docs, Go to Insert -> Table -> Select the table size you want. For example, here 4X4 means, There will be 4 rows and 4 columns in our new table. You can select it as per your preference.
How to make a table in google docs

A blank Table is now created in your doc.

Blank table layout in google docs

How to Add a Row to a Table in Google Docs

We often come across situations where we need to add additional row(s) or column(s) to our existing table. Here is how we can do that.

Insert Row(s)

To insert a new row, <right-click> on the table.

You will notice, you get two options

  1. Insert row above – If you select  “Insert row above”, a row will be inserted in your table just above the row where you had right-click.
  2. Insert row below – If you select  “Insert row below”, a row will be inserted in your table just below the row where you had right-click.

For example, I have right-clicked on the cell with Data 5 and selected “Insert row above“.

Insert row in Google docs

A new blank row is created above the selected row (Data 5) as shown in the image.

Blank row added above the row

Insert multiple rows in Google docs

You can insert multiple rows by selecting the number of rows you want to add.

For instance, if you want to add two rows

  • Select or highlight two rows.
  • Right-click and then select Insert 2 rows below or Insert 2 rows above as shown in image. It totally depends on your requirement, which option you select.
Insert multiple rows in Google Docs

 How to Add a Column to a Table in Google Docs

Insert Column (s)

To insert a new columnRight-click on the table. You will notice, you get two options

  1. Insert column left – If you select  ” Insert column left “, a new column will be inserted in your table, to the left of the column where you had right-click.
  2. Insert column right – If you select  ” Insert column right “, a new column will be inserted in your table, to the right of the column where you had right-click.

For example, here I have right-clicked on the cell with Data 6 and select “Insert column right“.

Insert column to a table in Google docs

A new column has been inserted on the right side of the Data2 column as visible in the image.

Insert column right to a table in Google docs

How to insert multiple columns in Google docs

You can insert multiple columns by selecting the number of columns you want to add.

For instance, if you want to add two columns –

  • Select or highlight two columns
  • Right-click – Hit Insert 2 columns right or Insert 2 columns left  as required.
Insert multiple column to a table in google docs

How to delete a row from a table in Google docs

Delete Row(s)

  • To Delete  a row right click on any cell of the row you want to delete and select “Delete row
Delete row in table of google docs

As you can see in the image, the selected empty row above data5 has been deleted.

Row deleted from table

To delete multiple rows in Google docs table

  • Select cells from all rows you need to delete . For example, I have selected two cells (Data 6 and empty cell above it)
  • <Right click> and select “Delete 2 rows“.
Delete multiple rows in a table of google docs 1

Selected rows have been deleted as shown in the image.

Row got deleted from table

How to delete a column from a table in Google docs

To delete a column

  • Right-click on any cell from the column you want to delete and select “Delete column“.
delete a column from table in google docs

The Column has been deleted as shown in the following image.

Column deleted from the table

Delete Multiple columns in Google docs table

  • To delete multiple columns, select cells from all columns  you want to delete . Here I have selected two cells, right click and select “Delete 2 columns“.
Delete multiple columns from table in google docs

How to make a table border in Google Docs

A default border is always available around your Google docs Table. Although, You can add or change border style with the following steps –

  • Select the desired table and then click on the border dash option on the top menu ribbon and select your preferred style.
Change border design of table in google docs using border dash

Just to show you, I will Select a dotted pattern for the border of my table.

Change border table design

Check out the image, how my new border design around the table looks?

Sample table with border design change in Google docs

How to Remove table borders in Google docs

Removing border is even more simple compared to changing border design in the Google docs table.

  • Just right click on the table – > Select table properties
Remove table border in google docs
  • Under table border section, Make highlighted size as 0 pt and it will remove the borders from your table.
Make table border 0 in table properties

For example, Check out this image. Table border has gone now.

Table border removed in google docs

How to change Border size and Colour of Table in Google Docs

Follow these easy steps to change the border size and colour of the table –

  • Right-click on table > Table properties > Under Table border section > Click on a colour and select colour of your choice. You can also select custom colours by selecting “Custom” option.
  • Click OK.
Change Border colour of table in Google docs
  • To change the size of the border. Select your table > Right-click > Select Table properties, select new pt size under table border and hit OK.
Change table border size in google docs

Alternatively, You can also change the border colour –

  • Select the table > Then click on the border colour option on the top ribbon > Select your preferred colour.
Change border colur using border ribbon in google docs

For example, here I have selected blue colour with 3 pt and this is how my table looks now. Pt (Point) size helps with border thickness.

Example table with border colour and size in Google docs

How to Split a table in Google docs

To split a table –

  1. Select the rows that you want to be split from the table.
  2. Drag the selected rows down.
How to split a table in Google docs
  • After split, Delete the empty rows from original table.

For example, my table has got split and there is no blank rows exist as shown image.

Split table in Google docs

How to wrap text around table in Google docs

There may be a case when you need to float or wrap text around tables. There is no official way. People use Drawings or images and then use the wrap text method.

I have done it in a bit different way. If you will follow along step by step, your table will look like this. Yes, you can customize it more using the tips provided in this tutorial.

Wrap text around the table in Google docs

Wrap text around the table in Google docs, step by step

Step1- Create a table

Step2 – Select cloumns right or left > Right click > Merge cells.

Step4- I have selected columns on right, as I want to wrap text on the right side.

Merge Cells in Google table

Step4 – Once cells are merged, keep those cells highlighted and remove border. Click on the “Border width” Icon and select width 0 point as shown in image.

Remove the border in the Google docs table

Step5- Complete the missing border by selecting columns on left and by setting border with again with 1.5 pt.

Step6 – Type text on the right side as per your wish. You are done.

best way to Wrap text around the table in Google docs

You can use the same steps to wrap text around both sides, left, right top, the bottom of the table in Google docs.

How to Change column width or row height in Google docs

To change Row height in a table

  • Just select row border and drag it to desired height.
How to change row height of table

To change Column width in a table

  • To change column width , drag the column border to desired length as highlighted in the image.
How to change column width in google docs

Another option to change row height or column width is –

  • Go to Table Properties and enter the “Column width” value for columns and “Minimum row height” for changing row height as depicted in the image.
Change Row height and column width of table in google docs

How to add colours to cell in the table of Google docs

To add colours to cell in the Google docs table, follow these steps –

  • Select the cells to which you want to add background colours. From top ribbon select >background colour Icon > select the colour.
change colour of a cell in table of google docs

This is how the table looks after I select the first row and green colour for the background.

Cell colour changed to green

How to delete a table in Google docs

Deleting a table is fairly simple in Google docs.

  • Just right-click on the table > select Delete table. Your table will vanish.

*Tip – You can press <Ctrl + z> on your keyboard to bring it back, in case you did it by mistake.

How to delete table in google docs

How to merge and split cells in Google docs table

To Merge cells

  • Select the cells you want to merge , right click and select “merge cells”
How to merge cells in Google docs table

Please refer to the following image, how your merged cells look like finally.

Merge cells output

To split cells in Google docs table

  • <Right-click> on the cell you want to unmerge or split and select “Unmerge Cells” as depicted in the image.
Unmerge cells in google docs table

How to move tables in Google docs

Follow these steps to move a table within the document. 

  • Select the table
  • Drag the table to new location
How to move table in Google docs

Alternatively, You can follow the cut and paste approach.

  • To move a table Just select the table > right-click and select “cut”.
  • Move your cursor on the new table location and press “CTRL+V” on your keyboard.
Table moved to new location

The table has been moved to a new location.

Table moved to new location in google docs

End note

I tried to cover all operations, generally required to edit a table in Google docs. I hope you will like it.

Let me know, if any table operations, you think I missed and must be part of this cheat sheet. For further reading, check out “Add and edit tables“.

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